All rentals are subject to additional terms available in-store or at https://tuxedo.josbank.com/terms-and-conditions. In-store reservations require deposits. Prices and offers may vary online and in-stores. All offers can be modified or canceled anytime and are subject to product availability. Selection varies by store and online. Offers are valid on new purchases or reservations only. Offers cannot be combined with other offers. Discounts and coupons have no cash or credit value, and may not be applied toward payment of Perfect Fit® credit card account balances. Coupons are one time use only. Perfect Fit points are earned only on amounts expended by you in connection with purchases or rentals and are deducted for any returns or cancellations.
6 Paid: With 6 fully paid rental packages (which include at a minimum coat, pants, shirt, tie, and jewelry) for your group, get $250 towards a rental, purchase, or custom look. Coupon will be emailed 14 days before event, will expire 30 days after event, and is non-transferrable. See coupon for additional terms.
$250 Credit Coupon: Void if 6 Paid requirements are unmet. Coupon can be used towards $250 off of either your rental, retail, or custom purchase. Coupons applied to a rental transaction exclude any rush fees, late fees, or lost item replacement costs. Coupons applied to a retail purchase exclude clearance items, shoes, alterations, and gift cards. No cash value. Coupon is one time use only and non-transferrable. Must be used in a single new purchase; any unused portion will be forfeited. Customers returning items purchased with this coupon will forfeit the portion of the discount used for those items; the Jos A. Bank return policy will apply to the remainder of the purchase. Product selection varies by store and online. Not combinable with any other offer, redeemable in-store only. Offer can be modified or cancelled anytime. Expires 30 days after event.
Create a Wedding Event
Book your wedding event online
or in-store.
Find Your Style
Start with a pre-styled package,
then add character with your
choice of accessories.
Organize Your Wedding Party
Add 6 or more members, assign
and track their progress
Get Rewarded
After all members' rentals are paid,
we will email you a $250 coupon
14 days
before your event.
Create a Wedding Event
Book your wedding event online
or in-store.
Find Your Style
Start with a pre-styled package,
then add character with your
choice of accessories.
Organize Your Wedding Party
Add 6 or more members, assign
and track their progress
Get Rewarded
After all members' rentals are paid,
we will email you a $250 coupon
14 days
before your event.
They're kind of our thing. Create your
perfect look and get rewarded by
inviting more people to the party.